Amanda Cassiday, Cofounder*
Chris Woerhle, Cofounder


We are living in an age where people are more connected digitally than ever before, but loneliness is an epidemic; where our economy is the most productive its ever been, and yet more than 50% of American’s can’t get their basic needs met; where innovation in healthcare is at its peak, and yet mental health and chronic diseases continue to rise.

The foundations of community have shattered under the weight of individualism and capitalism. Even the most neighborly of gestures has been commodified into a paid transaction, and our success, let alone our survival, is inextricably linked to how much financial wealth we can earn to pay for everything we consume. We are truly “earning a living” and are more tired, lonely, and sick than ever before. Technology by and large has capitalized on this offering a place to stay connected with people and the world at large without requiring deeper levels of vulnerability. Esther Perel aptly refers to this as AI, Artificial Intimacy: “I have a thousand friends, but not a single person to feed my cat.”

Before our economy relied solely on financial wealth, before there was debt and interest, there were ancient practices of people supporting one another—sharing food, offering care, coming together to build and repair homes. Now, commonly referred to as the gift economy, this practice has many names in indigenous communities all over the world, but is largely lost in capitalist-based societies.

The challenge before us is to leverage the strengths of modern technology to revive the gift economy, rebuilding a connective tissue of care that underpins community.

Before our economy relied solely on financial wealth, before there was debt and interest, there were ancient practices of people supporting one another—sharing food, offering care, coming together to build and repair homes. Now, commonly referred to as the gift economy, this practice has many names in indigenous communities all over the world, but is largely lost in capitalist-based societies.

The challenge before us is to leverage the strengths of modern technology to revive the gift economy, rebuilding a connective tissue of care that underpins community.


Understanding where we have come from. The gift economy is not new, but weaving it into a modern, highly individualistic and capitalistic system is. Research was essential to embarking upon this endeavor. Many, many thanks to authors and teachers Charles Eisenstein, Mia Birdsong, Robert Putnam, Peter Block, Rutget Bregman, David Bollier, and Adrienne Marie Brown, among many others who have informed and inspired this initiative. And many thanks to the indigenous people of Takeledougou, Burkina Faso that I lived in from 2008-2010, who welcomed me into their community and demonstrated what it means to show up for each other.

Grasping our reality. I began reaching out to peers, friends, neighbors, and community builders within my town and communities I belong to better understand the psychological, physical, and technological barriers to reviving a gift economy in our modern world locally, and the role it must play to serve community needs.


Prototyping + Co-creating. Co-founder Chris Woerhle and I began drafting user journeys to easily and simply connect community members to the gift economy, and to each other in a way that fosters trust, familiarity, and reliability, as well as storytelling that invited and included community members of all backgrounds and beliefs. Within 6 months, we developed and launched Engather with nearly 40 community members signed up to participate in a month-long beta test. Over the course of one month and 10+ hours of focus group conversations, we further refined the Engather tech to meet community needs while also casting a vision for a more robust platform and a culture-building ecosystem that supported individual and collective shifts towards unconditional supportive relationships.

Evolving as we grow, while staying true to our purpose. The beta test was so successful, we decided to keep the Engather platform open and slowly grow membership within the Hudson Valley. By focusing on a shared sense of community ownership and partnership, Engather community members have taken the initiative to connect us to resonant people and organizations who can benefit from this platform. Essential to our growth has been key principles that has guided our decisions:

  • Wholeheartedly dedicated to cultivating thriving communities

  • Aspire to make Engather accessible to all

  • Belief in the power of the virtuous cycle of generosity, gratitude, and belonging

  • Seek to get off our phones and in connection with one another

  • Intend to make enough money to live, and to do so transparently and in a way that brings value to all people and planet



The Engather project continues to grow and evolve, with over 150 members, all of which have attended new member events to gain access to the platform. In addition to a digital gift economy platform, Engather also hosts monthly events that connect community members over shared interests while also exemplifying how the gift economy can come to life in many forms: from creative salons, to clothing repair and refashion, to “barn raising” events to help community members in each others homes and gardens. While the Hudson Valley Engather network is fully bootstrapped and seeking funding from donors, we are also building out a B2B business model and are already in talks with several organizations who are interested in rolling out Engather within their institutional networks.

A few notable highlights in our experience to date includes:

  • Filmmakers have offered to document our journey, eventually leading to the creation of a short documentary.

  • We have been featured in the BlueStone Press, Radio Kingston (here, here, and here) and on the podcast I Want What She Has

  • We have partnered with nearly 10 local organizations to roll out Engather to the local community

  • We are in talks with several funders, and 3 different organizations to roll out Engather within their networks



  • From the moment I walked into the meeting I felt immediately a part of something different - a moment in time filled with others who were seeking opportunities for building community, for expanding their networks, for offering and receiving resources in the form of skills, and for making genuine connections...

    I have been feeling energized in a new way since attending my first Engather meeting and look forward to continuing to engage and grow in this new way. In less than a month of engaging with the Engather community, I have made two new friends, have offered my advice to another business owner, received the gift of alterations to a piece of clothing, and have begun to plan to host an Engather gathering in my backyard this spring.

    - Laura K

  • I recently moved to Kingston and Engather is EXACTLY what I’m needing! Well, actually, it’s community, support and friends that I’m needing but it’s Engather that is helping me find all of that in a way that works really well for me.  I attended a new member event where I met my new best friend and was able to make numerous other great connections.  Amanda helped me get set-up with the app then and there and I have already used it a few times with great success!  Being able to connect with other people who are interested in being in relationship based on our natural inclination to give and receive and simply share in life and meeting in a forum that is more direct and private than regular social media platforms is REALLY important and supportive for me. I’m so grateful this project is up and running and for how it’s improving my wellness and sense of joy, possibility and sense of belonging.


    - Katherine B

  • Connection is the bedrock of community. Engather helps to bring us back to the basics and reminds us that asking for help and giving what we can - should be and is a simple transaction. Integrating and expanding a gift economy platform such as this has the potential to create local growth, support systems, and economic benefits. 

    The ecosystem of every town and city is a bit different, but the human commonality of needing connection is essential in every community. Connecting with your fellow man because you can and not because you will get something out of it is a basic human concept that we should all subscribe to. As someone that currently manages a community hub, with experience in entrepreneurship and economic development, I have seen first hand the essential value of human to human and B2B connection at a grassroots level. I trust that Engather can and will lay the foundation for the gift economy movement we all need.

    - Melanie C

  • As entrenched as we are in transactional capitalist consumerism, people haven't forgotten this basic human urge called gift. The desire to give, to share, to dare ask for help lives deep in our bones. Engather invites us to remember and to weave connection. It has helped me envision what's possible.

    - John S

  • Feel Good. Refreshing.  Positive Change.  

    Engather came to CoWork Kingston to share their vision for a giving platform.  This is perfect for Kingston!  It is such a refreshing and "feel-good" concept and easy to wrap your head around.  It's about being a good neighbor to the wider community, and it's a win-win for everyone.  I am so excited to jump in and see where I can help others with my experience, expertise and time and where I might get help to do some things I can't do myself.  

    Engather will make our community a better place to live for everyone involved.  

     - Judy T