It wasn’t until I had the privilege of living in a rural village in Burkina Faso that I experienced the resilient power of community, and learned that positive, abundant outcomes are not possible without cultivating the conditions that allow individuals, teams, and communities to thrive. For 15 years, this approach has been a driving force in my personal and professional life, from facilitating a woman-led microfinance group in Takaledougou that continues to operate since 2009, to leading design teams responsible for some of the most successful consumer launches in Johnson & Johnson’s history, bringing purpose and consumer needs to the heart of strategy & innovation.

Much of my adult life has been about unlearning as it has been about learning: unlearning the habits, behaviors, and beliefs that result from, and further perpetuate, systems of extraction and oppression; and learning deeper ways of connecting to myself, to others, to land, and to community. I still am and forever will be in this process that has been both the most excruciating and most soul-fulfilling facet of my journey. My work reflects the different stages of this journey, which I am seeking to both accept and share as I gain wisdom through time and reflection.

I am a maker, an amateur photographer*, a student of herbalism and permaculture, and a mentor and investor to entrepreneurs. As I take root in the Hudson Valley, I am directing my energy to consciously support land, community, and business.


*many of the landscape photographs on this website were taken by me. Please reach out if you would like to use them!